Courses taught at Boston University

  • Gender, Race, and Science (Winter 2025).
    This course explores how recent developments in science and technology (especially AI and cognitive science) should inform our thinking about various philosophical issues related to gender and race, and vice versa.

Courses taught at Seneca College

  • The Digital World: Issues and Trends (Fall 2023; Summer 2023).
    This course explored ethical issues related to various digital technologies that are increasingly dominating our day-to-day lives (e.g., social media, artificial intelligence). It was designed for students enrolled in a one-year, general arts certificate program.

  • The Tangled Web: Enabling Connections and Facilitating Discord (Summer 2023).
    This course explored ethical issues related to various digital technologies that are increasingly dominating our day-to-day lives (e.g., social media, artificial intelligence). It was designed for upper level, non-philosophy majors enrolled in four-year degree programs.

Courses taught at the University of Toronto (click titles for syllabi)

  • Issues in Philosophy of Mind: Technology and the Mind (Fall 2022).
    This course explored various classic and contemporary topics in philosophy of mind, all through the lens of the relationship between our minds and the modern technologies with which we interact.
  • Minds & Machines (Fall 2021).
    This course explored the philosophical foundations of cognitive science and artificial intelligence, as well as the epistemological, social, and ethical implications of AI research.
  • Issues in Philosophy of Mind: The Imagination (Summer 2021).
    This course explored work on the imagination in contemporary philosophy of mind. In doing so, it also touched on many other areas, such as philosophy of perception, philosophy of memory, and epistemology.
  • Science Fiction and Philosophy (Summer 2020).
    This course introduced students to the role of thought experiments in philosophical methodology, with a particular focus on thought experiments involving science fictional scenarios (brains in vats, body swapping, etc.).